Friday, February 12, 2010

Will A Magnetic Clasp Ruin A Credit Card Will A Magnetic Clasp Ruin A Credit Card?

Will a magnetic clasp ruin a credit card? - will a magnetic clasp ruin a credit card

We keep our credit cards safe, usually in a wallet or purse. But is that the same approach, which places them in danger?


  1. I was thinking, which has already demonstrated it is possible, with the imam of a very high power density.

  2. Yes, that could ruin the closure of the magnetic tape so it will not be able to scan, but you will still be able to take the number manually. I once had an MRI and was given all the cards in its portfolio, including the use of the card to work.

  3. Yes, because a credit card is a piece of magnetized plastic set the man can be changed somewhat by magbetized

  4. Yes you can, try a different portfolio.

  5. I heard a stroung reality. Not used in a wallet or purse.
